Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I just finished reading Thr3e also by Ted Dekker.  To be honest, it was a letdown.  I has just come off reading his Trilogy and this seemed interesting to me.  BUT it simply was a thriller about a character with MPD (multiple personality disorder).  I saw the end coming and was not moved but he story...oh well, i read it in two days.

I am moving on to read Green, the sequel to The Circle Trilogy.  I just can't quite get myself to get away from Dekker...yet.  After Green I will move on to another author.

Keep reading friends!

Monday, February 8, 2016


I finished book 2!!!  It was one of those that you just get really caught up in.  I read the 381 pages in three days and have already started on the last book in the trilogy.  RED is such a fun read.  It chronicles the story of what Christ did for us on the cross.  It is raw; it is hard; it is beautiful; it is love.

Thomas Hunter watches as Justin is taken by the Horde.  He doesn't do anything to stop it.  He watches as it happens.  He dives in after and finds true life.

Friends, I cannot recommend this series enough.  It is dynamic and it has changed who I am.  The story of Christ is powerful enough, but to hear through Thomas's eyes as told by Ted Dekker, makes you want to laugh, cry and sing all at once.

Blessings friends as you continue to dive into this gift of reading :)