Friday, September 21, 2018

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

I finished The Silver Child and am waiting for our library to get book #2 in the the meantime, I am jumping into a favorite author of mine, Donald Miller.  I first read Blue Like Jazz many moons ago and simply loved it.  Donald writes with a very real and raw passion.  he does not shy away form hard questions and, I believe, has wrestled with God many times in his life, and has come to have a very beautiful and intimate relationship with Him.  Our College English class read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years as one of their summer reading books and I have offered it as an outside reading book for my English classes this year.  I'm 53 pages in and am enjoying the journey.  Dive into a good book, friends.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Silver Child

Cool new book!  At the recommendation of one of our librarians here at school I have recently begun reading The Silver Child by Cliff Mcnish.  After 98 pages I am very intrigued to finish this first (of three) book.  Short recap: six kids are changing. One is turning gold/silver.  One has grown into a giant.  One can read minds.  Two are truing insect-like. One can heal with his "beauty."  Intriguing right?  I will be finished soon.  Grab it from the library in a day or two.  Keep reading friends.