My daughter, Tessa, is three. Every day we work on helping move away from starting sentences with "I want..." We are trying very hard to teach her to begin the sentences instead with... "May I please have...."
I thought about it again last night while we were at our church picnic. Tess was participating in the classic game - CAKE WALK - you know, the one where you walk in a circle while the music is playing and then find a seat when it stops. Then the leader of the game pulls a card and if she pulls the card that matches your seat you get to go over to the table and choose a cake. It is great fun. After 6 times walking in the circle and NOT winning, Tess was beginning to be frustrated. Her bottom lip was getting further and further from her chin and the tears were very close now. On the 7th time...she won. Pure JOY! Then.....
She took 10 minutes looking over all the cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and other treats. You see, she just couldn't decide which ONE to take home with us. Finally, I gave her the 5 second count down and she settled on some homemade cupcakes that were beautifully decorated in purple and pink sprinkles. (I knew she was going to choose that one from the beginning).
Of course....She wanted to play again. She wanted more. It was then that we had a good conversation about humility and self-control. :)
AND YET - there is something great about wanting more... I am again drawn to our theme this year - Love Does
Love Does means wanting to do more...I guess Jesus was right (He always is) when he said, "Let the little Children come to me....because THEY get it."
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