Monday, December 18, 2017


Finished Book #1 in the five book series this weekend.  Very fun, lighthearted, entertaining read.  Basic premise: Two children spend two weeks at their grandparents home in the country while their parents head off for a cruise.  During this time they find out that their grandparents are caretakers of Fablehaven, a refuge for mystical creatures both good and evil.  The kids have many adventures and end of in one of the most daring rescue trips ever!  I look forward to the next four books.  Keep reading friends!

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Door Within...

What a great series!  It is rare that I get to book #3 without posting.  I think it is because I have been reading them so quickly.  Wayne Batson writes a beautiful series that begins with, The Door Within.  The story centers on Aidan Thomas as he leaves his world and enters THE REALM.  There he quickly becomes the 12th knight and helps save Allebele.  In book #2, The Rise of the Warm Lord, Aidan's friend Antionette is called into THE REALM and try to help the knights save Yehwood.  I cam currently reading book #3, The Final Storm.  Antoinette is still in The REALM and Aidan is battling in this world to save his best friend Robby from following Lord Paragor.  If you like fantasy...If you enjoy the story of what God did for us...If you like reading...Dive deep my friends.  You certainly will enjoy!!

Keep Reading,